
Free Infographic: In Plain English, Please! (Part 1)

I've designed this free (info)graphic called, "In Plain English, Please! Part 1" as a simple reference to help you substitute "wordy words" with simpler words when you proof your writing. Feel free to save this image and post it anywhere you'd like. To save it to your computer, Right-Click on the image and save it. Then upload it anywhere: your website, blog, Pinterest account, etc. 

Click on image for FULL size:

Write in Plain English, Part 1 of 3

You can also use the following version to add your own information at the top; it would look like this:

(You may have to click on the image again to view its full size)

Simply save the image to your computer and import it into a graphics program. Add your text at the top in the blank white space. Leave everything else as is. Re-save the image and use it as your own. 

I welcome your corrections, comments, or suggestions. Use the comment form below.

Brian Scott

Related links:    7 Plain English Writing Tips (My blog)
                           Plain English Writing Rules (My Hub)